The role of the family (Part 16)
towards a person with MS
The question arises about
what attitude is taken toward the patient. Should it be lenient, compassionate,
or not? There is no accurate and precise answer to such questions, but only
general recommendations can be given which in different situations acquire
meaning and practical meaning. It should not be forgotten that the quality of
relationships that existed in the family before the arrival of MS directly
influences her in the new situation, and that the disease itself may be another
test and test of the strength and quality of the family.
A family member who has a
MS, in the first place, is expecting support from his family, i.e.
understanding, respect, warmth, love, consolation, psychological but also concrete
help. In this direction it is important to create an atmosphere that will
enable all of this. It is especially important to know that MS is a very
unpredictable disease and that it changes the personality of the diseased
person, which all requires the family to be addressed in very diverse and
unstable emotional states and always respond to them in the right way. It is
also important to talk about everything that some of the members are touching.
In a situation where there is a dilemma about how to set up and react, it is
best to be open and share your dilemmas and dilemmas with sick people and
others in the family. This shows the interest and good will to help. Wise
advice and cleverness can very often have the opposite effect and lead to a
deadlock in communication, which only delays the resolution of the problem.
Conversation, exchange of thoughts, questions without feeling guilty or
excessive compassion of attacking mercy are a way of fighting against MS.
to help yourself?
A significant segment of the
life in this family, in addition to caring for an ill member, should be
self-care. Many who live with the sick focus on his needs, so they often
neglect their own health. To take care of your health is to take care of both
the physical and the emotional state. It further means respecting one's own
need for privacy, providing space for oneself, as well as time for work and
socializing. Prevention is more effective than healing, so a person is feeling
better about himself, which allows her to deal with the obligations and the
role of someone who is concerned about someone else. By taking care of one's
own physical and mental health, the family will continue to be a good source of
support for the patient for a long time. In the world, the current idea is to
help helpers in everyday life. The prevailing opinion is that energy spent in
the process of nursing, care and care must be collected and reimbursed in some
way. Emotional support that is priceless for a person with MS is often
exhausting for the family, so it has to be constantly nurtured, refreshed and
re-created. This is most productive in family support groups that have members
with MS.
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