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Corticosteroids and MS (Part 1)

Corticosteroids and MS (Part 1) Each of us has been treated with Cortisteroids, and Corticosterioids have been used in the treatment of MS since 1950, and today they are the treatment therapy in the treatment of relapse of the disease. The main goal of treatment emergent functional recovery of neurological deficits and prevent the accumulation of neurological deficits that are acquired during an acute exacerbation. With this introduction, they surely started moving your questions around the head. So let's go. What are corticosteroids? Corticosteroids are drugs we call steroid hormones. They are synthetically produced hormones and used to treat various pathological conditions in humans. They share glucocorticoids and Mineralocorticoids, and a primitive glucocorticoid is a cortisol that glows the adrenal gland. They can be applied locally as an aerosol-inhalable, skin cream, eye drops or nose, given as tablets, locally into the common space, intravenously and intram...
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