of MS! Everyday!
Multiple sclerosis or MS, as
we call it short, means a lot. But first of all, you must be strong and have to
invest a lot of energy to make your life look the same as before the illness.
How many of the bizarre things I will emphasize today are actually very
important in everyday life and really help how crazy it sounds.
A few tips for a safer
everyday life with multiple sclerosis:
1. Always leave important
things like keys, phone, purses, glasses in the same place. If you have not had
a place for these things, now find it. Always return the things to where they
stand because you know how to hurry somewhere. You can never find keys, cell
phone or glasses. If they are always in the same place this will never be a
problem. A lot of stressful situations will be avoided if you adopt this new
2. Close the kitchen
cabinets - yes, always close them. You know how awkward we can be and you know
that you will quickly forget that you have opened them. I learned this after
countless blows in the head and cursing and cursing kitchen elements. So better
to prevent than to cure. Close all cabinets as soon as you remove what you have
opened for them.
3. Close the sink holes -
because of our clumsy hands and fingers, everything has gone into the drain! I
know it sounds stupid, but the smallest problem is to put plastic grids on the
holes and prevent frustration when something goes wrong in the drain. For
example: Marfi's law. You've finally got yourself ready and you're out, and you
have not been around for a hundred years, and ...
4. If it's important for you
to have a glass of glass, buy only one type of glass from now on. Keep in mind
that you will break at least one week, especially if you do not wash your
glasses. So if you want to have a set of the same glasses when guests arrive,
always buy the same glasses from now on. I learned this after having served my
guests for a birthday party from 6 types of glasses each one or two ...
5. Take care of the knives
in the kitchen - I'm sure it's hard to make a lunch without a burn or thorn.
Due to tremors and clumsiness, we are much more inclined to cut our fingers
instead of chicken breasts. Besides the tax, I have a series of new scars
because of burns. Always leave the knives on the pad in the same way, so that
your blade always faces the same side. This is important when you start to make
something quick not to fall into the knife on the cutting board. The kitchen
seems to be a place where, with our diagnosis, it should be particularly
6. Carefully leave the
bathtub and shower - due to dizziness as well as the incoordination of
movement, falls are very possible. It would be good to have a bath in the bathroom
and handles that you can receive to help. Slow down. Do not rush. You just have
to fall down and break something, so you're not moving, as if you do not have a
lot of diagnosis that threatens to disable you and limit your free movement.
In addition to these 6 quick
tips, I repeat two more that I have introduced into my routine, although I have
never used one before ...
• Drink enough water.
Especially try to introduce two glasses of water in the morning into the
routine. The Japanese are no longer the most legitimate people. Try, you will
feel the results very quickly.
• Walk, walk, run, swim and practice - I know
that I keep repeating this, but it's worth repeating. Move as much as you know
and wash and how much your body condition
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